Sale Haul!

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Hiya guys!
So, last week I was harmlessly browsing on the Internet, determined not to purchase anything, and I was doing well.
HOWEVER, I then decided to look on the sale pages! (this was a bad idea from the start.) I'm a sucker for anything with reduced prices because my brain automatically tells me it's such a bargain and I'd be saving so much money (even if it's only reduced by £2.)

So, seen as my browsing failed miserably and I ended up spending £82, I thought I'd put what I bought up here to make myself feel a little less guilty. I mean, it can only be a good thing if I get to blog about it, right? Back me up here guys!

I managed to keep my shopping to only two sites, Boohoo and Newlook. I did have a browse on Motel Rocks, but everything I liked went before I had a chance to decide whether or not to buy it all :(. Moral of that story is; Don't think, just buy!

Boohoo Tie Dye Flippy Skater Dress - £12

Boohoo Floral 2-in-1 Bodycon - £10
Boohoo Green Tie Dye Vest - £7

Boohoo Black Knitted Cardigan - £15

Newlook Lilac Lace Trim Bra - £6
(They now only have Yellow and a Reddy-Pink at £5)

Newlook 18 and East Maxi Dress - £32

Have you guys bought anything good in the sales recently? Let me know, I love a good bargain!

I'll leave you with a picture of the Banana Loaf I made whilst writing this blog. Baking will probably be the reason I don't fit into any of this in a few months :(

Megan xo

1 comment:

  1. the first dress, wow! neeed this! great haul :)


