What I love about...October

Tuesday 15 October 2013

The month of October holds my birthday, so that's what I love about this month. Who doesn't enjoy a day that's all about them. The cake, food, presents and spending the day/evening/night with everyone closest to you.

So seeing as my birthday is in 2days (eeeeeeee,) I thought I'd turn this post into a hybrid and mix it up with a birthday wishlist

1. I have been on the hunt for a neutral snood type scarf for AGES. I adore this one from Accessorize. I like that it isn't the typical neutral grey/black/brown but is a mink colour. I think it's beautiful and I'm fairly certain Jake's buying it for me!
2. Do I love them do I hate them, I'm not sure. I think I love them but they are quite tacky. They're currently in the Topshop sale for £25 and I am really drawn to them as a christmas party shoe. I just can't decide.
3. I'm always looking for new rings to add to my collection seen as it's about the only jewellery I can be bothered to put on on a daily basis. These are from Asos and I believe they are top of the finger rings. I like every one of them and if I don't get them for my birthday I will definitely buy them for myself.
4. This fluffy jumper is also from Asos and is a black and white alphabet slouchy jumper. I live in fluffy jumpers in the winter. They're warm, they're comfy and they don't show how much chocolate I've been eating in front of the fire.
5. I feel as though anyone who enjoys doing eye make up should have a mac pigment pot. I sometimes wonder how I have gone so long without, hopefully this will change on Thursday! I have gone for the colour 'vanilla' as I think it'll make a good under the brow highlighter/inner eye highlighter and I know they last for so long.

Why do I keep making wishlists. It's a dangerous idea, my bank balance is not my friend and these wishlists are making our relationship worse. For the sake of our friendship I hope all of these items are bought for me *cough mum*

Megan xo

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